Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

Summer Wedding Guest Dresses Guides

Summer wedding guest dresses will be searched the most by somebody who wants to attend wedding party with beachy concept. Not only the brides that will show the daunting look, some guests will also try their best fashions at that moment.
For dressing up on summer wedding, there are also some guides that can be followed. Those guides will be the best references for completing your look. Do you want to know those guides? Well, talking about dressing up guides on summer wedding, actually this article is going to discuss about it. So, by reading this article you can get some style options for your summer wedding. Let’s check it out here!

Dressy Casual
This is the first option for your summer wedding. The design of this style will be oxymoron. Although seems contrast, you can still combine any accessories to be carried on your body. You can choose cotton dress with formal design. There is also satin dress that can be your choice. It can also show casual style for your look.
For your information, satin dress looks more elegant, festive, and casual. So, it will be more acceptable to be brought on summer wedding. Then, if you want to attend the party in a day, you can pick sundress. Meanwhile for somebody who wants to come to evening party, they can choose the darker color for their dress with casual cut and length.
Semi Formal
Well, semi formal style is the second option for you. This style will look like a dancing dress. It will be so acceptable to be picked in the evening. There are some dresses that you can choose such as satin, silk, and chiffon dress with few beadings. Meanwhile velvet dress will be perfect for winter wedding. So, you have to avoid it.
Then, for the dress design, you can pick cocktail length. In other hand, you will choose the dress just above the knee for its length. Or, you can choose the little longer dress. After that, there is also tea length. How it looks like? You can pick the dress with ankle length. For example, you can wear maxi slip dress. It will be fine to be worn at this moment.
For your information, you have to avoid silhouette design because it will not suit your look. Finally, those are all some references for you. Now, you can prepare some stuff to complete summer wedding guest dresses.

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